Repositioning branding and digital presence in the pandemic peruvian market

Repositioning branding and digital presence in the pandemic peruvian market






UX Strategy / Service Design



2020 was a complex year for both people and companies, where we had to rethink our daily lives and adapt to changes in record time

Amable, a LATAM UX office, was looking for strengthened its values, reviewed offers, expanded the communication and the digitally reposition itself to survive in the new market.

We helped Amable redesign their business strategy and brand guidelines for a modernized look that appropriately catered to evolving user sentiments brought on by COVID-19. With the newly established brand guidelines we infused the revamped strategy and branding into their website and social media platforms.


Research and Service Design Blueprint
We initiated trend research about the pandemic and product design market journey mapping to evolve the current experience. From our findings we were able to establish the foundation of the business and brand values as well as create user personas.

Identifying Personas
We identify and create fictional personas of the users who will interact with the brand.

Brand Attributes
Workshops to collective redraft of Amables’ value proposition, and journey mapping based on revised brand attributes.

Tagline Brainstorm
A new tagline to better communicate the brands new strategy is developed.

Brand Guidelines
A brand assets library is created and compiled into a brand guidelines book with instructions on how teams can implement the new brand ‘look and feel’ across various communications channels.

Information Architecture
Mapping out how content is accessed.

Wireframes push fidelity and further showcase a users flow.

Results & Impact
Working with Amable, we arrived at a contemporary, well-informed approach to how Amable interacts with their clients. From their website to social media profiles, a consistent, succinct message around Amable’s brand essence is shared. 

The great challenge of the project was to remotely generate convergence between 4 partners from Peru and Chile about company expectation and vision.

A contemporary approach was delivered on how amable interacts with clients. From website to social media profiles, a consistent, succinct message around the brand essence was shared.

2020 was a complex year for both people and companies, where we had to rethink our daily lives and adapt to changes in record time

Amable, a LATAM UX office, was looking for strengthened its values, reviewed offers, expanded the communication and the digitally reposition itself to survive in the new market.

We helped Amable redesign their business strategy and brand guidelines for a modernized look that appropriately catered to evolving user sentiments brought on by COVID-19. With the newly established brand guidelines we infused the revamped strategy and branding into their website and social media platforms.


Research and Service Design Blueprint
We initiated trend research about the pandemic and product design market journey mapping to evolve the current experience. From our findings we were able to establish the foundation of the business and brand values as well as create user personas.

Identifying Personas
We identify and create fictional personas of the users who will interact with the brand.

Brand Attributes
Workshops to collective redraft of Amables’ value proposition, and journey mapping based on revised brand attributes.

Tagline Brainstorm
A new tagline to better communicate the brands new strategy is developed.

Brand Guidelines
A brand assets library is created and compiled into a brand guidelines book with instructions on how teams can implement the new brand ‘look and feel’ across various communications channels.

Information Architecture
Mapping out how content is accessed.

Wireframes push fidelity and further showcase a users flow.

Results & Impact
Working with Amable, we arrived at a contemporary, well-informed approach to how Amable interacts with their clients. From their website to social media profiles, a consistent, succinct message around Amable’s brand essence is shared. 

The great challenge of the project was to remotely generate convergence between 4 partners from Peru and Chile about company expectation and vision.

A contemporary approach was delivered on how amable interacts with clients. From website to social media profiles, a consistent, succinct message around the brand essence was shared.